ASD Centre

In their most recent inspection report, Estyn commented, ‘A notable feature of the school is the manner in which pupils from the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Unit are integrated successfully into mainstream subjects to expand their opportunities and experiences.’

Estyn Report

Llanidloes High School’s ASD Centre is deeply valued by pupils, parents and the whole school community, as a centre of excellence. The ASD Centre’s main aim is to support pupils with an ASD diagnosis during the transition from primary school to high school and throughout their life at high school. We also work very closely with the families of ASD learners and the agencies involved in their care. Other schools in the area use the centre for specialist support and advice.

The ASD Centre provides learners with a safe environment for use at break and lunchtime and helps them organise their school day. The ethos of the ASD Centre is very much focused on maximum integration into school life and all the ASD learners are immersed in the mainstream life of the school as much as possible. Adaptations to the organisation of an ASD learner’s timetable are planned and negotiated on an individual basis. This allows a scheme of tailored support to be delivered that may include work on social and communication skills, organisation, homework completion and literacy and numeracy interventions, where appropriate.

The ASD Centre is for learners with an ASD diagnosis in the North Powys area and applications are made for admission via the specialist centre application process, usually through a learner’s primary school SENCO during Year 5. If the application is successful, this then gives plenty of time to allow for a tailored transition into high school with a series of visits and taster sessions in Year 6.

Visits are encouraged from learners and families wishing to look at the Centre and appointments can be made by contacting the Head of Centre, Mrs Jane Charles.